
Artist Mary Cogley (in Nags Head NC)
I have been an artist as long as I can remember; drawing and painting with my dad years ago, and progressing through oils, acrylics, charcoal, pencil drawings, and watercolors which I use today.

I use the title "Signature Energy Impressions" for my work, in general, because my pieces are my impression of the signature energy of whatever I am portraying. My work is the result of a kind of meditative process. I often find images just flowing onto the paper as I work.

I have learned that nurturing my spirit really matters and painting, drumming, and yoga and dance are my avenues of connection to Source. By allowing myself the time to do these things, I can show up, step up, let go, and connect with the energy that creates worlds.

When I paint I am open, present, joyful, powerful and free! My goal now is to share my passion and my vision with others of like mind. Please sign my guestbook, and say hello!

Peace and Joy to all,

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